Chocolate Mousse

A dessert mousse is a form of dessert typically made from egg and cream, usually in combination with other flavors such as chocolate or puréed fruit. It was once strictly a specialty of French restaurants, but chocolate mousse was adopted into American and English home cuisine in the 1960s. It is now served in many English and American restaurants as a dessert.

My version contains 100g dark chocolate, 20cl heavy cream, 75g icing sugar and three eggs, all on room temperature.

First melt the chocolate. Then beat the egg yolks light and fluffy. Beat the cream with the icing sugar. Beat the egg whites until firm and airy.

Add the melted chocolate to the egg yolks and add the whipped cream.
Finally fold the beaten egg whites under the chocolate mixture. Let it stiffen in the fridge and enjoy this delicious dessert!

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