First of all prepare the marinade. Mix the olive oil, soy sauce, sweet soy sauce and garlic together. Put the marinade in a high dish and let the salmon marinate on both...
First of all start by washing and peeling the peaches. Cut them in 8 parts and remove the stone. Cut the halloumi in thick slices. Put them both on a hot grill...
Easy comfort food. Pizza with a cauliflower crust. To be honest I bought the crusts ready to bake in the supermarket. Put the crusts in a preheated (220°C) oven for about 3...
A health lunch recipe. First clean the lettuce and water cress, cut in pieces a put in a bowl. Wash and cut radish in thin slices. Add the radish to the lettuce....
Easy dish. first boil the eggs hard and let them cool down. Clean the carrots and potatoes and cook them. cut the bell pepper, pickles and ham into small dices. Cook the...
Ok, top dessert this time… Start with making the ganache. Mix all the ingredients for the ganache and bring to a boil. Heat the ingredients for the chocolate in the microwave, making...
Cut the mango and the paprika in small cubes. Sprinkle with white vinigar, 2 spoon of olive oil. add herbs (pepper, salt, ginger, chives and coriander). Mix well and let marinade for...
Simple but delicious afternoon snack. Bake some pancakes (i used a heart shape to bake the pancakes). Clean and cut some strawberries. Put the pancakes on a plate, arrange the cut strawberries...
Wash the strawberries and cut in half. Cover the bottom of a bowl with halved strawberries. Place 3 scoops of ice cream on top and a 4th scoop on top. Pour chocolate...
Mix 1 spoon of parsley with 3 spoons of fine bread-crumbs and 2 spoons of olive oil to a firm mixture. Cut the lemon in slices. Put the cod in a greased...