Ingredients: Chicken, mushrooms, minced meat, chicken stock, lime juice, butter, flour, heavy cream, potatoes, herbs to taste.
First prepare the chicken. Bring chicken stock to the boil. When it cooks add the chicken and let it boil for about an hour. Meanwhile, make small balls of the minced meat. Clean and cut the mushrooms.
Take the chicken out of the stock and put it aside to cool down. Boil the meatballs in the chicken stock. Bake the mushrooms in butter.
Clean the potatoes, cut in small bars. fry the fries twice (at 140 °C for cooking, cool down and at 180 °C for browning). Bake the pastry for about 7 minutes in a preheated oven (170°C).
Pull the cooled down chicken into small parts. Melt the butter. When melted, add the flour. When a delicious waffle smell appears, add the cooled down chicken stock to make a thick sauce. Add the heavy cream and a shot of sherry. Add the chicken, mushrooms (including the liquid), the meatballs and lime juice.
Season to taste and enjoy the vol au vent with the french fries!