first start by watching the carrots. Place then on an oven plate, drizzle with olive oil and thyme and let bake until done. Peel the potatoes and cut into cylinders. Arrange them...
First clean and cut the potatoes and carrots into small sticks and cook until almost done. Bake the chicken cubes in butter, when done add the carrots and potatoes. Season with paprika...
Easy dish. first boil the eggs hard and let them cool down. Clean the carrots and potatoes and cook them. cut the bell pepper, pickles and ham into small dices. Cook the...
Ok, beef stew… Bake the beef brown to all sides, add a dash of brown beer (here I used Leffe Dark) and let simmer for 5 minutes. In another pan, braise the...
Precook the carrots. Bake the chicken in butter and put it into a greased oven dish. Bake the onion and bell pepper in the same pan. Season the chicken with curry powder,...