Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the salmon in an oven dish and drizzle with some olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Place the salmon in the oven for 20...
First wash the tomatoes cut into small cubes and bell pepper and cut into fine strip. Clean the red onion and cut into half rings. Season the lamb with peper and salt...
A classic Piedmontese dish with a twist. Start by preparing the veal. I steamed it because I didn’t want and brown sides. When ready let it cool down and mix with mayonaise...
Ingredients: Chicken, mushrooms, minced meat, chicken stock, lime juice, butter, flour, heavy cream, potatoes, herbs to taste. First prepare the chicken. Bring chicken stock to the boil. When it cooks add the...
Clean and cut the mango and pineapple in tiny cubes. Cut the mint into thin strips. Roll the lime over the table and squeeze the lime. Mix the lime juice with the...