Easy and healthy dish. wash and chop the bell peppers (red, yellow and orange) in small cubes. Cut the onion and spring onion fine. Mix the bell peppers, onion and spring onion....
First of all start by washing and peeling the peaches. Cut them in 8 parts and remove the stone. Cut the halloumi in thick slices. Put them both on a hot grill...
A health lunch recipe. First clean the lettuce and water cress, cut in pieces a put in a bowl. Wash and cut radish in thin slices. Add the radish to the lettuce....
For lunch today, we had a spinach salad. Very qucik and easy to prepare. First of all, bake the bacon nice and crispy. Wash the spinach. I bought a radish mix with...
Ingredients: salmon (I used canned), hard boiled eggs, salad mix, radish, cocktail sauce and herbs to taste. Split the hardboiled eggs, yolk and white in seperate bowls. Mix the salmon and cocktail...