First wash the tomatoes cut into small cubes and bell pepper and cut into fine strip. Clean the red onion and cut into half rings. Season the lamb with peper and salt...
First fry the pork tenderloin on all sides, and put it in a preheated oven (180°C) for about 20 minutes. Chop one red onion fine and simmer until glassy. Add the flower...
Easy comfort food. Pizza with a cauliflower crust. To be honest I bought the crusts ready to bake in the supermarket. Put the crusts in a preheated (220°C) oven for about 3...
A health lunch recipe. First clean the lettuce and water cress, cut in pieces a put in a bowl. Wash and cut radish in thin slices. Add the radish to the lettuce....
Start by creating the burger itself. Mix the salmon, soy sauce, lemon juice, red onion, coriander and mint together to a fine mixture. Create burgers from the mixture. Bake for 15 minutes...